4th Floor, 2365 Albert Street
Regina, SK, S4P 4K1
Tel: (306)787-5550
Toll free: (877)880-5550
Fax: (306)787-9779
Email: consumerprotection@gov.sk.ca
FCAA has been advised that price gouging activity is occurring in the Saskatchewan marketplace because of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you observe such practices, inform us, so that we can take steps to address this activity. If left unchecked, unfair practices can lead to seriously disruptive marketplace conditions and consumer harm.
Since we can all assist to make the marketplace fair and equitable, consumers who know of, or observe grossly excessive prices either in advertisements or before, during or after a transaction, are encouraged to do one or more of the following:
1. Call our tip hotline at 1-877-880-5550 to provide information.
2. File a tip
3. Register an on-line complaint with the Better Business Bureau (BBB).
4. If possible, register a complaint with the business.
5. Review the Grossly Excessive Prices "Price Gouging" guidance.
4th Floor, 2365 Albert Street
Regina, SK, S4P 4K1
Tel: (306)787-5550
Toll free: (877)880-5550
Fax: (306)787-9779
Email: consumerprotection@gov.sk.ca