44-903 - Designation Order - Order Designating the "Alpha Main" and Alpha Venture Plus" marketplaces, operated by Alpha Exchange Inc., as a designated exchange pursuant to National Instrument 62-104 respecting Take-over Bids and issuer bids

44-903 - Designation Order - Order Designating the "Alpha Main" and Alpha Venture Plus" marketplaces, operated by Alpha Exchange Inc., as a designated exchange pursuant to National Instrument 62-104 respecting Take-over Bids and issuer bids

  • Effective Date:  This order will come into force and become effective on the same date as the Exempting Order.

    Designates the "Alpha Main" and "Alpha Venture Plus" marketplaces as a designated exchange pursuant to National Instrument 62-104 respecting Take-over bids and issuer bids.


Agree Term