November 2015

November 2015


Pensions - Regina Civic Pension Plan Regulations

November 4, 2015 - The government has amended The Pension Benefits Regulations, 1993 to introduce new funding rules for The Regina Civic Employees’ Superannuation and Benefit Plan.

The amended regulations remove the requirement to fund solvency deficiencies, provide an extended time over which unfunded liabilities of the plan must be amortized, establish benefit improvement restrictions for the plan, and require a deadlock resolution mechanism for key plan decisions.

For more information, please contact:

Pensions Division
Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan
Suite 601, 1919 Saskatchewan Drive
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 4H2
Phone: (306) 787-7650
Fax: (306) 798-4425      

Pensions Division

4th Floor, 2365 Albert Street

Regina, SK, S4P 4K1

Tel: (306)787-7650

Fax: (306)787-5899


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