4th Floor, 2365 Albert Street
Regina, SK, S4P 4K1
Tel: (306)787-5550
Toll free: (877)880-5550
Fax: (306)787-9779
Email: consumerprotection@gov.sk.ca
For information about complaints select from the options below.
Before making a complaint, it may help to ask yourself the following questions:
You have a valid complaint if you answered:
To determine if your dispute is valid, start with the Consumer Rights pathway. This free, online resource provides information tailored to your situation and helps assess the legitimacy of your concern.
To resolve your dispute, it is crucial to use the Consumer Rights pathway and attempt to resolve the dispute directly with the business. You can find helpful letter templates in the pathway to help communicate with the business.
The Consumer Rights pathway can be accessed at https://consumerrights.saskatchewan.ca/, or by clicking on the blue “Consumer Rights” button on the top right hand corner on our website homepage. If you cannot resolve your dispute with the business, you can file a formal dispute through Resolve My Consumer Dispute.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact the Consumer Protection Division at 1-877-880-5550 or branch.consumerprotection@gov.sk.ca.
How to write a complaint letter
The following points may help you in writing an effective letter of complaint:
When I encounter unsatisfactory services or products, I just chalk it up as a learning experience. Why should I complain?
Legitimate complaints help everyone. Complaints help prevent unnecessary regulation and inferior goods in the marketplace. They also alert businesses to product quality as well as service and distribution problems.
How long after the incident should I issue my complaint?
The sooner, the better! There are legal time limits, depending on the situation, so act quickly.
To whom should I direct my complaint?
Always go to the seller first. All good businesses recognize a valid complaint as an opportunity rather than a bother. Be sure you are dealing with someone who has the authority to rectify the problem.
How can I complain effectively?
It is important to clearly identify the problem. You need to explain why you are dissatisfied and what you would like done to correct the problem. The best approach is to be polite but firm. Do not lose your temper or your sense of humor. Be persistent. Do not give up until you feel you have received a satisfactory response.
Make sure you have proof of payment or proof of dealings with the business. Make copies of receipts, canceled cheques, guarantees, and any other correspondence between yourself and the business. Never give away original copies.
It is important that you be reasonable and fair. You should determine the business's refund policy before making any purchases and ensure that you have properly complied with the terms and warranties. You have no legal right for a refund unless the goods are defective.
What should I do if the seller refuses to recognize my complaint?
When dealing with the seller fails, you may want to take your complaint to the next level. If you are complaining about product quality, the next step is to complain to the manufacturer. If the business belongs to a professional organization or association, the association may be willing to assist you with your problem. Otherwise, you may have to consider utilizing legal action to resolve your concerns or contact one of the following organizations for assistance:
Consumer Protection Division of the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan
The FCAA administers laws governing business practices, consumer product warranties, internet transactions, auctioneers, cemeteries, charitable fund-raising businesses, collection agents, credit reporting agencies, direct sellers, motor dealers, sellers of training courses, video outlets and film classifications.
Phone: (306) 787-5550 or toll free 1-877-880-5550.
The Better Business Bureau collects and reports information to help prospective buyers make informed decisions in dealing with both businesses and charitable organizations. The Better Business Bureau facilitates communication between the company and the consumer to help both sides come to a satisfactory resolution.
Phone: (306) 352-7601 or 1-888-352-7601
The corporate registry is the official record of the company or business which is required for any legal action.
Phone: (306)787-2962
Industry Canada handles complaints about misleading advertising, deceptive marketing practices, patents and copyrights, labeling, weights and measures, and bankruptcy information.
Phone: Ottawa 1-800-348-5358
4th Floor, 2365 Albert Street
Regina, SK, S4P 4K1
Tel: (306)787-5550
Toll free: (877)880-5550
Fax: (306)787-9779
Email: consumerprotection@gov.sk.ca