June 2023

June 2023

Securities – CSA Notice of Amendments to Multilateral Instrument 25-102 Designated Benchmarks and Benchmark Administrators and Changes to Companion Policy 25-102 Designated Benchmarks and Benchmark Administrators

June 29, 2022 – Today the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan is publishing CSA Notice of Amendments to Multilateral Instrument 25-102 Designated Benchmarks and Benchmark Administrators and Changes to Companion Policy 25-102 Designated Benchmarks and Benchmark Administrators.

For more information, contact:

Graham Purse
Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority
Legal Counsel, Securities Division
400-2365 Albert Street
Regina, SK, S4P 4K1
Bus: 306-787-5867
Fax: 306-787-5899
Email: graham.purse2@gov.sk.ca



Securities – CSA Staff Notice 58-315 Extension of Comment Period Proposed Amendments to Form 58-101F1 Corporate Governance Disclosure of National Instrument 58-101 Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices and Proposed Changes to National Policy 58-201 Corporate Governance Guidelines

June 9, 2023 –The Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan is publishing CSA Staff Notice 58-315 Extension of Comment Period Proposed Amendments to Form 58-101F1 Corporate Governance Disclosure of National Instrument 58-101 Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices and Proposed Changes to National Policy 58-201 Corporate Governance Guidelines

For more information, contact:

Heather Kuchuran 
Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan
Director, Corporate Finance, Securities Division 
400-2365 Albert Street
Regina, SK, S4P 4K1
Bus: 306-787-1009 
Fax: 306-787-5899
Email : heather.kuchuran@gov.sk.ca



Securities – Exemption Order 96-930 - Exemption from Derivatives Reporting Requirements in Multilateral Instrument 96-101 Trade Repositories and Derivatives Data Reporting/or Certain Derivatives Data Relating to U.S. Dollar London Interbank Offered Rate

June 22, 2022 – Today the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan is publishing Exemption Order 96-930 - Exemption from Derivatives Reporting Requirements in Multilateral Instrument 96-101 Trade Repositories and Derivatives Data Reporting/or Certain Derivatives Data Relating to U.S. Dollar London Interbank Offered Rate.

For more information, contact:

Graham Purse
Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority
Legal Counsel, Securities Division
400-2365 Albert Street
Regina, SK, S4P 4K1
Bus: 306-787-5867
Fax: 306-787-5899
Email: graham.purse2@gov.sk.ca



Securities – The Securities Commission (Adoption of National Instruments) (MI 13-102) Amendment Regulations, 2023

June 20, 2022 – Today the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan is publishing The Securities Commission (Adoption of National Instruments) (MI 13-102) Amendment Regulations, 2023. The amendment regulation comes into force today.

For more information, contact:

Mobolanle Depo-Fajumo
Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority
Legal Counsel, Securities Division
400-2365 Albert Street
Regina, SK, S4P 4K1
Bus: 306-798-3381
Fax: 306-787-5899
Email: mobolanle.depofajumo2@gov.sk.ca



Securities – The Securities Commission (Adoption of National Instruments) (NI 13-103 and Consequential Amendments to Instruments) Amendment Regulations, 2023 

June 20, 2022 – Today the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan is publishing The Securities Commission (Adoption of National Instruments) (NI 13-103 and Consequential Amendments to Instruments) Amendment Regulations, 2023. The amendment regulation comes into force today.

For more information, contact:

Mobolanle Depo-Fajumo
Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority
Legal Counsel, Securities Division
400-2365 Albert Street
Regina, SK, S4P 4K1
Bus: 306-798-3381
Fax: 306-787-5899
Email: mobolanle.depofajumo2@gov.sk.ca



Securities – The Securities Commission (Adoption of National Instruments) (NI 45-106) Amendment Regulations, 2023

June 20, 2022 – Today the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan is publishing The Securities Commission (Adoption of National Instruments) (NI 45-106) Amendment Regulations, 2023. The amendment regulation comes into force today.

For more information, contact:

Mobolanle Depo-Fajumo
Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority
Legal Counsel, Securities Division
400-2365 Albert Street
Regina, SK, S4P 4K1
Bus: 306-798-3381
Fax: 306-787-5899
Email: mobolanle.depofajumo2@gov.sk.ca



Securities – CSA Notice regarding General Order 24-930 Exemption from certain filing requirements of National Instrument 24-101 Institutional Trade Matching and Settlement

June 15, 2023 – The Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan is publishing CSA Notice and corresponding General Order 24-930 Exemption from certain filing requirements of National Instrument 24-101 Institutional Trade Matching and Settlement (GO 24-930). GO 24-930 provides temporary exemption on the applicability of section 4.1 of National Instrument 24-101 Institutional Trade Matching and Settlement (NI 24-101) for registered dealers and advisers with respect to the exception reporting requirement of NI 24-101.

For more information, contact:

Liz Kutarna 
Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority
Director, Capital Markets, Securities Division 
400-2365 Albert Street
Regina, SK, S4P 4K1
Tel: 306-787-5871 
Fax: 306-787-5899
Email: liz.kutarna@gov.sk.ca



Securities – CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 14-101 Definitions and Consequential Amendments 

June 15, 2023 – The Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan is publishing CSA Notice of Amendments to National Instrument 14-101 Definitions and Consequential Amendments.

Effective Date: Subject to Ministerial Approval – September 13, 2023.

For more information, contact:

Sonne Udemgba
Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority
Director, Capital Markets, Securities Division 
400-2365 Albert Street
Regina, SK, S4P 4K1
Tel: 306-787-5879
Fax: 306-787-5899
Email: sonne.udemgba@gov.sk.ca 



Securities - Order Approving Settlement in the Matter of MK Futures and Maitlan Knoke

June 12, 2023 - The Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan is publishing an Order Approving Settlement in the Matter of MK Futures and Maitlan Knoke.

For more information contact:

Connor Smith
Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan
Legal Counsel, Securities Division
4th Floor, 2365 Albert Street
Regina, SK  S4P 4K1
Tel: 306-787-5843
Fax: 306-787-5899
Email: connor.smith2@gov.sk.ca



Securities – Consequential Amendments to CSA Staff Notices 43-310, 45-308; and 51-324

June 9, 2023 –The Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan is publishing consequential amendments to CSA Staff Notice 43-310 (Revised) Confidential Pre-File Review of Prospectuses (for non-investment fund issuers); CSA Staff Notice 45-308 (Revised) Guidance for Preparing and Filing Reports of Exempt Distribution under National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus Exemptions; and CSA Staff Notice 51-324 (Revised) Glossary to NI 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities.

For more information, contact:

Heather Kuchuran 
Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan
Director, Corporate Finance, Securities Division 
400-2365 Albert Street
Regina, SK, S4P 4K1
Bus: 306-787-1009 
Fax: 306-787-5899
Email : heather.kuchuran@gov.sk.ca



Securities – CSA Notice regarding Coordinated Blanket Order 13-931 Exemptions from certain filing requirements in connection with the deferred launch of the System for Electronic Data Analysis and Retrieval + (SEDAR+)

June 8, 2023 – The Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan is publishing CSA Notice and corresponding General Order 13-931 Exemptions from certain filing requirements in connection with the deferred launch of the System for Electronic Data Analysis and Retrieval + (GO 13-931). GO 13-931 provides market participants with the necessary exemptions to address the legal implications of the deferral of the launch of SEDAR+.

For more information, contact:

Mobolanle Depo-Fajumo
Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority
Legal Counsel, Securities Division
400-2365 Albert Street
Regina, SK, S4P 4K1
Bus: 306-798-3381
Fax: 306-787-5899
Email: mobolanle.depofajumo2@gov.sk.ca



Securities:   CSA Staff Notice 45-330: Frequently Asked Questions About the Listed Issuer Financing Exemption

June 1, 2023:  The Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan is publishing CSA Staff Notice 45-330: Frequently Asked Questions About the Listed Issuer Financing Exemption.

 For more information contact:

Heather Kuchuran
Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan
Director, Capital Markets
Securities Division
4th Floor, 2365 Albert Street
Regina, SK S4P 4K1
Bus: 306-787-1009
Fax: 306-787-5899
Email: heather.kuchuran@gov.sk.ca



Securities: Recognition of Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO), Memorandum of Understanding among the Recognizing Regulators regarding the oversight of CIRO and Designation Order – CIRO as an Information Processor for Unlisted Debt Securities
June 1, 2023: The Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan, along with the Recognizing Regulators, are publishing updated orders and memorandum of understanding (MOU) regarding the change of name of the New Self-Regulatory Organization of Canada (New SRO) to Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO), effective June 1, 2023. 

For more information contact:

Liz Kutarna
Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan
Director, Capital Markets
Securities Division
4th Floor, 2365 Albert Street
Regina, SK S4P 4K1
Bus: 306-787-5871
Fax: 306-787-5899
Email: liz.kutarna@gov.sk.ca



Securities - Decision in the Matter of Innovation Credit Union

June 1, 2023 - The Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan published a Decision in the Matter of Innovation Credit Union, granting an exemption from the prospectus requirement for a credit union that continued federally to distribute membership shares to prospective customers.

For more information contact:

Graham Purse
Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority
Legal Counsel, Securities Division
400-2365 Albert Street
Regina, SK, S4P 4K1
Bus: 306-787-5867
Fax: 306-787-5899
Email: graham.purse2@gov.sk.ca


Securities Division

Suite 601, 1919 Saskatchewan Drive

Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 4H2

Tel: (306)787-5645

Fax: (306)787-5899

Email: fcaa@gov.sk.ca

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